Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Write a Visual Basic program to read the string first and find the reverse string and delete all the vowels

WAP in VB to read the string first and find the reverse string and delete all the vowels.

Dim a
Private Sub Command1_Click()
a = StrReverse(Text1.Text)
Label2.Caption = a
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
a = Replace(a, "a", "")
a = Replace(a, "A", "")
a = Replace(a, "e", "")
a = Replace(a, "E", "")
a = Replace(a, "i", "")
a = Replace(a, "I", "")
a = Replace(a, "o", "")
a = Replace(a, "O", "")
a = Replace(a, "u", "")
a = Replace(a, "U", "")
Label3.Caption = a
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub



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